
Picture Perfect: Terance Treasure

Do you remember this photo I uploaded awhile back?
This beauty with Great Grandmama Golden, Grandpa, Shirley and Tom.

Catherine Golden, Stanley, Shirley and Thomas Golden (Mother and Siblings together)

Catherine Golden, Stanley, Shirley and Thomas Golden (Mother and Siblings together)

I always assumed Terance (Grandpa’s dad) was out of the picture at this point in time and it was just him, his mum brother and sister…

I was determined I would never know what Great Grandpa Terance looked like… however it turns out I have been looking in the wrong place.

I found SEVERAL photos, mixed in with Nana’s photos… something I had overlooked. I realized the pictures had the same outfits as the initial photo I had found…

Picture Perfect: Terance Treasure: The Golden Family Minneapolis - Terance, Stanley, Catherine, Thomas in the Garden posing for a photo | Alex Inspired

Picture Perfect: Terance Treasure: Terance Golden with friend posing for photo


To confirm, Grandpa even wrote this on the back of the photo (plus Nana clarified):

It pays to keep searching through what you have.

Picture Perfect: Terance Treasure: Back of photo captioned "Dan Whelon + Dad" | Alex Inspired

Picture Perfect: Terance Treasure: The Goldens

Although… this last photo confuses me. The back of the photo reads: Stan, Malcolm, Anna Bell and Terance.

Who are Anna Bell and Malcolm?
I best call Aunt Shirley….

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