Next week I’m heading to Toronto for the Blogpodium conference!
One of the sponsors is General Electric (Don’t you just want to pull a Kate and Leopold and say: “The General of Electric”? no? ok, maybe just me).
General Electric is looking for mood boards of our ultimate dream kitchens, using one of the appliances from their new Slate Collection. As a sponsor of the conference, The General of Electric will be giving one attendee their choice of appliances from the Slate collection.
I have been giving this some great thought. Dream Kitchen, eh?
Why does a dream kitchen have to entail everything and anything that’s new and improved? What if you already have your dream kitchen that isn’t necessarily magazine worthy, but chalked full of history, stories and sentiment? OR, what if there’s one specific item that would help make it your dream kitchen!?
For the last 60+ years, Christmas Eve dinner has been prepared and cooked at dom Franków. Anyone who’s Polish or Eastern European knows Christmas Eve is essentially the 100 plate meal. I also need to add, kuchnia Franków hasn’t been renovate in over 60 years…
By the time you finish courses 1-100 (slight exaggeration), you are out of cutlery, bowls, plates, pots and pans. The next thing you know you’re serving kapusta out of a measuring cup, all classy like.
For the last 60+ years, all of these damn dishes have been washed by hand. YES. BY HAND.
I dunno about you, but I know a dishwasher is a pretty amazing – and I think we’re all tired of having to be the dishwashers on Christmas Eve.
alas, I present to you my mood board dream kitchen:
Make it Slate, aka “Make it have a Dishwasher, I don’t care about the rest”
My mood board includes:
- The General of Electric Built-In Tall Tub Dishwasher with Stainless Steel Tub WITH! Tacky magnet “Kiss the Cook, she’s Polish”
- A picture of my Babcia pinching pierogi
- Pierogi (of course)
- Christmas dinner table
- Beer (of course)
- A jar of homemade pickles – a dreamy dishwasher is key for the sterilization of those jars, ya know
- Boleslawiec Stoneware

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