
Where the Hell have you Been?

alex inspired | where the hell have you been?

Hey Alex Inspired, where the hell have you been? GREAT question. I’ve been here, there and everywhere. Sadly, just not here, in blog-land.

Writer’s block and lack of inspiration tend to be common themes these days. It’s been difficult to feel “inspired” lately. I did write a fun article for the Walleye (pg. 14)! You can read it here. I’ve also tried to catchup on some photography.

What’s Up, Phantom?

I was pretty pissed off last week when I discovered one of my stories was copied/pasted and paraphrased to hell, on the Thunder Bay Memories Facebook page. I think what really enraged me the most were the photos I carefully curated/photoshopped specifically for my post, were just thrown up there like this guy had all the right in the world. For the record he apologized, sort of. He eventually removed the post from the page… after I commented, rudely.

Just hanging out over here, 1892 style.

It really frosts my cornflakes when you see your work “published” without any recognition. It’s actually mind boggling how people don’t get this. Hello, just say: “ps. found this on”. OR how about, just copy and paste the damn link?

What did I do? Passive aggressive sarcastic comments flew from my fingers AND I had a lot of support from you guys, *fist bump* my amazing followers! Thank you.

WHO cares, where are the stories?

I have a few irons in the fire, but I haven’t been able to narrow down the pieces of research I need to complete any of these stories. However, I do promise it will be worth the wait. Anyone out there know anything about Russian Nudists on Simpson Street about 1908ish?
Spoiler alert, I DO! and soon, you will too!

Stay tuned, I’ll be back with some regular scheduled content and hopefully some fun new tidbits and ramblings.

James Esson standing on cliff

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  • Reply Ann April 7, 2019 at 7:50 am

    Wow! It never ceases to amaze me when people just take something, make it their own without giving credit where it’s due. What are they thinking? I am fascinated by your writings. My ex husband grew up in Port Arthur so for whatever reason I enjoy your ramblings.

  • Reply Darrow Woods April 7, 2019 at 3:48 pm

    Sounds like you will be posting soon about Doukhobors. I lived and worked amongst them in rural Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Soulful folks with a rich, interesting history!

  • Reply Katherine Stewart April 17, 2019 at 10:20 am

    Alex….I have missed your blog….I lived next door to the Nugent house and always wished I could have afforded to buy and save that lovely house!!!! Will be looking forward to more blogs from you!!!!

  • Reply bibianne dubosq September 18, 2019 at 7:23 pm

    i miss your stories. I understand your frustration over this stealing your words and hard work.

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