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  • Alex Inspired in a hooded coat

    Well Hello Phantom…

    Oh Hi! It has been awhile. Apparently, it has been two years since I have written… which is terrible, I have become a phantom! I guess the pandemic hit differently for many. Some people…

  • Logo Design - Lovely Body | Alex Inspired

    Logo Design – Lovely Body

    Ok, I have been addicted to Lovely Body since… forever! I started looking for alternative products after I stumbled upon an app called “think dirty”. This app is pretty cool, you can scan any item…

  • DIY Vintage Halloween Ad Art | Alex Inspired
    Creative Holidays

    Vintage Halloween Ad Art

    It’s no secret, I have a fondness for vintage ads and pretty artwork – especially from the 50’s and 60’s. I was thinking of someway to incorporate this appreciation into classic Halloween decor, nothing…