Here are a few of my go-to sites for Polish related genealogy/history resources.
- Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego / The Warsaw Rising Museum
A tribute to those who fought and died for independent Poland and its free capital in 1944. - Muzeum Utracone / Museum Lost
Restoring memory about works lost from Poland during World War II, educating the public and supporting activities of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage consisting in their discovery and retrieval. - Muzeum Auschwitz
Preserves two parts of the former German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz: Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. - Polish Forces and Polish Resettlement Corps Records (UK)
Records of Polish Army Section, concerning Polish forces and the Polish Resettlement Corps (PRC), set up in 1946 to ease the transition of Poles serving with Allied forces to civilian life in Britain or abroad.
- Archiwa Panstwowe / State Archives
Preserving the testimonies of the past and provide universal access to them to support the development of the state and civil society. - Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe / National Digital Archives
NAC’s tasks include archiving, digitizing and online sharing of digital material: photography, sound recordings and movies. - Polona – Cyfrowa Biblioteka Narodowa / Digital National Library
Library resources, digitized and made available via Polona, increase daily by up to 2,000 objects: books, early printed books, manuscripts, graphics, maps, scores, photographs, flyers, posters and postcards.
Polish Military Abbreviations
ćwicz.* ofic.* rezerwy
ćwiczenia oficerów rezerwy | Exercise Reserve Officers
dca 1 plut.
dowódca 1 plutonu | commander of the 1st platoon
dowódcy | commander
do Ośr. Wyszk. Rez. Piech.
do Ośrodka Wyszkolenia Rezerwy Piechoty | to the Infantry Training Centre
dowództwo | Command
pierwsze | first
komp. k.m.
kompania karabinów maszynowych | machine guns
kpr. podchorąży rezerwy
kapral podchorąży rezerwy | corporal officer cadet reserve
kapitan | Captain
kurs dców* komp.
kurs dowódców kompanii | Company Commander Course
miejscowość, miasto | town, city
od dn.
od dnia | from the date of
punkt | point
pułk piechoty | infantry regiment
podporucznika | ensign (standard, colour(s), banner)
pułkownik | colonel
rok | year
stanowisko dcy komp. ppanc
stanowisko dowódcy kompanii przeciwpancernej |
position of the commander of the anti-tank company
tygodni | weeks
w skład grupy ppłk* Wani
w skład grupy podpułkownika Wani | a member of Lieutenant Colonel Wani
w Szkole Podch. Rezerwy Piech.
w Szkole Podchorążych Rezerwy Piechoty | at the Infantry Reserve Cadet’s School

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