Do you remember this photo I uploaded awhile back?
This beauty with Great Grandmama Golden, Grandpa, Shirley and Tom.

Catherine Golden, Stanley, Shirley and Thomas Golden (Mother and Siblings together)
I always assumed Terance (Grandpa’s dad) was out of the picture at this point in time and it was just him, his mum brother and sister…
I was determined I would never know what Great Grandpa Terance looked like… however it turns out I have been looking in the wrong place.
I found SEVERAL photos, mixed in with Nana’s photos… something I had overlooked. I realized the pictures had the same outfits as the initial photo I had found…
To confirm, Grandpa even wrote this on the back of the photo (plus Nana clarified):
It pays to keep searching through what you have.
Although… this last photo confuses me. The back of the photo reads: Stan, Malcolm, Anna Bell and Terance.
Who are Anna Bell and Malcolm?
I best call Aunt Shirley….

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