Lately I have been thinking about fun, easy and inexpensive outdoor décor ideas. I am quite fascinated more-so with containers to hold pretty things, like arrangements of flowers and branches.
According to Google and Pinterest, the recent fall vessel trend varies. However, I did find a pattern! Some of these items are things you may already own.

Fall containers to hold pretty things!
#1 The Galvanized Bucket
We’ve all received a bucket of beer in our lives as a present or maybe you have a vintage pail out in your shed starting to rust.
Time to haul that sucker out! Its new life awaits sitting on your front steps. OH and guess what? IF you don’t have one at home, you can purchase them at the LCBO. I searched high and low at hardware stores, with no such luck. Feeling deflated, I went to the liquor store to buy some wine and Voilà! The most gorgeous galvanized bucket was waiting for me J
#2 The Enamel Bucket
I get my pack-rat-ness honestly, I mostly blame my dad, in a good way. He has the coolest stuff ever. I think this is where my appreciation for enamel comes from. The only reason I thought of this is because I spotted an enamel pail with a wooden handle yesterday (pretty sure it was Babcia’s), and I thought “Sparkly Branches would look awesome in here”.
#3 The Vintage Stonewear Crock
A lot of people have asked me what kind of bucket I have sitting in my house. It’s a crock. Basically it’s a container made out of heated clay which was used to preserve veggies and fruit. I got mine locally at Sleeping Giant Antiques, on Victoria Ave. This would also look fab with pussy willows spilling out of it. Crocks can crack in the cold, so keep an eye on the temperature.
#4 Market Door Bouquets
I found this photo on I love this idea! Obviously this is not a container, but it’s an interesting way to display flowers or twigs freely.
#5 The Bushel Basket (Credit
I love the arrangement of mums in this bushel basket! If you don’t have one lying around, go ask your grandparents… or maybe visit your local antique store.
Tangent!: I dunno about you, but these baskets remind me of the movie Baby Boom, where Diane Keaton is up in a tree picking apples, and she says “ I think that should be enough for a pie…” camera pans down below her to see her daughter surrounded by multiple baskets of apples.

The Movie Baby Boom, Baby Elizabeth is down below amongst baskets of apples
#6 The Cast Iron Planter
I found this on Pinterest and loved it! Ok, I was originally drawn to the pumpkin displaying the address, but the black cast iron planter is such a great idea to display bulrushes, or twigs with orange twinkle lights!?
However you decorate, go look around your house first… you never know what you could recycle into something beautiful.

Love it all! This makes me excited for fall!
Me too! and, best of all… it will be Pumpkin Spice Season! 🙂