Chalkboard Wedding Art
Alright, so lately I have been back to wedding chalkboards… with a twist! I found this amazing chalkboard at Sleeping Giant Antiques, and I have to tell you, there is no greater feeling than scripting something on real slate. I have to admit, I was a huge fan of chalkboard paint when it first came out… but I’m slowly realizing it’s not all that and a bag of chips.
Chalkboard paint with the combination of chalkboard markers = irreversible consequences.
This little chalkboard has been my new go-to, and I plan on using it for many projects! This weekend I put it to good use for my Uncle’s wedding. As well, we recycled the sparkly “I Do” letters from my own wedding. I love sharing!
Special Thank you to Ashley, from Maria Maria Photography for letting me use these two beautiful photos!
Check out the beautiful day here!
Fonts Used:
“eat, drink” : Aphrodite Pro
“and be”: Lobster
“Married”: Abraham Lincoln
“Caroline & Tom”: Aphrodite Pro
Date: Abraham Lincoln

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