Cheers to our Nana!

Glenna Self Portrait in the mirror, 1940s | Alex Inspired

Happy Birthday!

I’ve opted for an early “Sunday Snapshots” in honour of our amazing Nana, on what would be her 96th Birthday.

Cheers to our Nana! Glenna Self Portrait in the mirror, 1940s | Alex Inspired

Time with Nana was always well spent. Weekends consisted of sewing, cooking and baking, trips to Eaton’s (with a stop at the candy counter), along with card playing (aka. cheating) whilst learning a whole new vocabulary of adjectives!

Sleepovers comprised of storytelling and reminiscing over her black and white photos with a parade of darkly humorous tragedy unfolding in front of us. How many East Coasters perished in day-to-day disease and accidents involving lightning, alcohol, horses or farm equipment? We can tell you… many.

Nana taught us many things: new and fascinating lyrics to Christmas Carols (who knew the three kings smoked exploding cigars?). She taught us that butter, could indeed solve many problems; especially when your head was trapped between the banisters on the stairs. An instantaneous gravity lesson was learned through accidentally dropping freshly prepared dessert on the floor, nevertheless resulting in a compassionate Nana hug.

Happiest memorial Birthday to our Nana! The best backscratcher, story teller, cookie baker, math homework helper and our favourite Sea Shanty singer.

Love always, your grandchildren
Cathy, Chris, Alex, Andrew and Tommy.

Ps. we all now know “Jesus Murphy” wasn’t a little boy from down the street.

Glenna and her friends walking down the street, early 1940s | Alex Inspired Glenna Hare posing for a photo | Alex Inspired Glenna Hare working at the Eaton's Warehouse in Moncton | Alex Inspired Glenna Hare in New Brunswick | Alex Inspired Stanley and Glenna on a boat taking a photo | Alex Inspired Stanley & Glenna Golden Wedding Photo | Alex Inspired Stanley and Glenna Golden at a Party | Alex Inspired

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