It’s been awhile since I’ve chatted about my latest genealogical discoveries, possibly because I came across an article which is undecidedly awkward? I don’t know much about Great Grandmamma Golden (I’ve been on a…
26 Nugent Street boasts a little corner cottage, facing the McVicar Creek. This property sprawls two lots and has the most beautiful bricked barn with a bright green door. Sadly this home has seen better…
The other day my dad told me a story about “Old Man Russian”, who lived on Elgin Street – just a few properties down from Maudslay Court. His lengthy backyard sloped towards McVicar’s Creek, it was…
In an innocent search for information regarding Port Arthur’s oldest apartment building, Maudslay Court, I stumbled on misfortune. As I mentioned, Maudslay Court is Port Arthur’s oldest apartment building – perfectly situated on Court Street,…
The power of Google is remarkable. We can gather information instantly, all at our fingertips. I decided to put Google to good use, and creep the hell out of where my ancestors lived. Sounds weird,…
One hundred Christmases ago, like today, children all over the world were writing letters to Santa Claus. Unlike today, some of the items listed are a tad unconventional; I don’t know of any children…
Did you know… The Port Arthur Cenotaph , located in Waverly Park is all thanks to women? Yes women – The Women’s Canadian Club of Port Arthur, to be precise. They not only advocated for…
With Remembrance Day around the corner, I rounded up my favourite foreign WWII Film & Series picks to share with you. Television is great, however I find a lot of the WWII documentaries and shows…
On the occasion of All Hallows’ Eve, an evening dedicated to remembering the faithfully departed, I have found my way to the 1800s to visit the Phantoms of Port Arthur. This starless story isn’t my usual…
It’s no big secret, my adoration of Eaton’s comes inherently, most likely because everyone on the Golden side worked there. I found a cute letter my Grandpa Stan wrote to my Nana while away visiting his brother,…