For thanksgiving, I am making pumpkin pie – from scratch.
I made my grocery list of what I needed and headed out to the store – which I believe bared, a resemblance to an apocalyptic scene. Among the unfilled shelves, argumentative couples, and the determination between to women to grasp the last can of condensed milk, I started thinking.
Have these meal choices always been a North American custom during Thanksgiving? You know, the basics: Turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie etc.?
I did a bit of research, and had a few laughs. Here are a few little treasures I have found.
Let’s begin with the year, 1888.
The Sun and the Erie County Independent Newspaper, Hamburg, New York
“What to Eat on Thanksgiving”
Deviled Oysters….
Broiled Smelts…
Celery Mayonnaise!?
Moving on to the year, 1901
I have included the ad in its entirety from the Hudson’s Bay Company.
My stomach may have turned while reading “Thanksgiving soups – Belli’s real Turtle”. Has anyone else noticed “Catsup”? I really can only envision Mr. Burns in the grocery store, reading “catsup” and “ketchup”.
The Winnipeg Tribune Newspaper, Winnipeg, Manitoba
“For the Thanksgiving Dinner”
Whether you’re celebrating with Turkey, PUMPKIN PIE, Kraft Dinner or… Squirrel Pot pie, I hope your thanksgiving is fabulous!

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