I was recently invited to participate in a fun holiday challenge from the lovely Alice, from ThoughtsFromAlice.
Her challenge, simple and thought provoking:
Purchase an item from a Thrift store with a price tag under $25.00. The item could also be second hand or given to you. Task: to re-purpose or makeover the item for a festive holiday piece of décor.
I did find this a true challenge. In fact, I was baffled – too many ideas running through my head. I also forgot to include a “before” image… so here is a photo of a festive wreath instead.
I first began with finding fabulous vintage wrapping paper (60 sheets for $3.00!) – which I was going to stitch into a “whimsical garland” to hang in my kitchen windows. My problem? The circular punch I used destroyed everything it touched. oops.
Anyway – long story short, I ended up at one of my favourite Antique stores (Sleeping Giant Antiques) on a totally unrelated adventure.
When I was there, I found some snowshoes (out of the desired price range) and walked by something amazing – completely oblivious to them.
The owner, of the store – Marsha, guided me to pace backwards… and look up. Voilà!
Vintage Sock Stretchers!
What on earth is a sock stretcher?
(Essentially what it’s named for – stretching wool socks to keep their shape and size after being washed)
What a bargain, $7 each!? SOLD!
Several ideas ran through my head on how to make these finds Christmasy. They already had the look of a stocking; they just needed a few embellishments.
I also knew exactly where they belonged… a place usually ignored for holiday décor… la salle de bain!
On hand, I had previously ordered Starry String Lights from Restoration Hardware. Because the battery powered lights are strung on bendable wire, it made it easy to cover the sock frame. These lights are also on a timer, which is perfect for keeping the battery pack hidden (in my case, behind the mirror).
I topped off the one “stocking” with a simple red and white ribbon, purchased from Target.
The next “stocking” I created was simple. Red and white striped ribbon (Target) was attached and hung from the top. Cute Reindeer clothes pins (Target) and regular clothes pins secured vintage and retro Christmas cards to the frame, along with a little concert ticket from 1929.
While I was at Sleeping Giant Antiques, I also picked up some vintage cookie cutters ($4) and added them to (let’s just say it…) the fancy soap no one ever uses.
I hope you’ve been thoroughly inspired to tackle on a Christmas project using something old and making it new.
Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking = success!
I have to thank Alice once again, for helping me dig deep for inspiration and a challenge!
Be sure to pay a visit to ThoughtsFromAlice, and the many creatively crafty inspiring minds who also took part (links below).

[…] Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking by Alex Inspired […]
[…] Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking by Alex Inspired […]
[…] Holiday Thrift Store Challenge Blog Hop by Shabby Love DIY Centerpiece Tray by Cherished Bliss Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking by Alex Inspired A Merry Thriftmas Challenge: Re-purposed Holiday Tablescape by Home Remedies Light […]
[…] Holiday Thrift Store Challenge Blog Hop by Shabby Love DIY Centerpiece Tray by Cherished Bliss Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking by Alex Inspired A Merry Thriftmas Challenge: Re-purposed Holiday Tablescape by Home Remedies Light […]
[…] Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking by Alex Inspired […]
[…] Holiday Thrift Store Challenge Blog Hop by Shabby Love DIY Centerpiece Tray by Cherished Bliss Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking by Alex Inspired A Merry Thriftmas Challenge: Re-purposed Holiday Tablescape by Home Remedies Light […]
[…] Holiday Thrift Store Challenge – Vintage Sock Stretcher Stocking by Alex Inspired […]