photo credit: http://www.sarahrichardsondesign.com/sarah/my-snapshots
Dear Sarah,
A few weeks ago, I spotted you at YTZ; both of us waiting patiently as we moved through the Porter Airlines security cue.
I would be lying if I told you I was calm, cool and collected… I was the complete opposite.
At one point we were side by side, with only a small roped barrier between us. I think it might have been one of the most exciting moments of my life.
I know, this sounds really lame. I have admired you since your very first show, Room Service – where you sewed your own pillows and created your own art.
A million thoughts raced through my mind, and nothing would come out of my mouth. There was so much to tell you; how inspiring you are and how much I adore all of your designs… and I really, really, really wanted to ask where Tommy was.
I also wanted to ask you where you buy all of your fabric, and if I could go with you.
So here I am, on my little corner of the interweb, confessing to the world that I, Alex was 100% gob smacked (and we all know how rare this is).
In a moment of calm clarity, I clued in that you were busy and most likely emailing on your mobile.
I remembered reading an article in which you expressed how you use every moment of each work day for exactly this, work. How you utilize all of your available work time, so your free time is in fact, your free time.
This notion I appreciate and respect. In retrospect, I feel a little bit better for not being “one of those people” and fan-girl crazy.
Dear Sarah,
if you’re reading this, I hope you get a little giggle of out it.
I also hope you don’t think I am a total creeper… and I am sorry, I did take a small snapshot of you while in line… I didn’t think anyone would believe me through my garbled-excitement filled texts.
So, I might actually be a tiny bit creepy? …

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