So, I bought an antique gramophone.
Actually, what I purchased was the shell of a gramophone, which I was fine with. It’s pretty gorgeous.
I spotted it at Antiques on Victoria, a local antique store. I was pumped. It’s built well and has already been converted to be utilized into something great. In my case, a bar!
I filled my Antique Gramophone Bar with glassware and…
Who doesn’t hear the word “Liquor” and think of drunk Jim Lahey? source:reddit
“I AM the Liquor!” – Jim Lahey
On top, I loaded a clear plastic tray with barware from Chapters (Indigo), champagne flutes, a decanter (Thanks Shay!) Gluckstein Home bar accessories and of course, a vase full of Restoration Hardware Starry String Lights!
What do you think of my Antique Gramophone Bar? Music to your ears?!
Randy, I’ve decided to lay off the food for a bit, and go on the booze. – Jim Lahey
Linking up with: House Of Hipsters//The Big Reveal//Avery Street Design

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