How is it already October?
The summer flew by.
I’ve had this song stuck in my head, thus the title of my post:
C’est l’Halloween, c’est l’Halloween, hey!
C’est l’Halloween, c’est l’Halloween…
Does anyone remember this song? I swear every Canadian kid had to sing this in French class every October.
It’s right up there with playing Dix (10).
DIX! (Dix is a French elimination game we used to play when we were really good, or it was a holiday… or we were driving our teacher insane).
Because I’m sneaky, I’m blogging about my décor from last year.
It was really simple… pumpkins, orange globe lights, a chalkboard, paper pinwheel thingies and some pumpkin lights. Done.
Simple, fast, effective.
I’m not sure if I will repeat this this year… or utilize what I have and switch it up?
Ideas!? Leave a comment!
Oh, and for good measure, just so you all don’t think I’m crazy. Here’s the Song: C’est l’Halloween by Matt Maxwell.

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